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Techniques you will learn on our workshops


What you learn will depend on the type of prop you wish to make.


  • Foam Types

  • Using the right tools

  • Using tools safely

  • How to cut foam

  • How to shape and sculpt foam

  • How to glue foam

  • Glue types

  • Using power tools

  • How to use Liquid latex

  • Airbrushing

  • Weathering techniques

  • Coating Foam

  • How to put cores in Props

  • Foam armour building


Artyfakes will provide all the necessary PPE but recommend you bring old clothes with you as making props can be messy.

*Artyfakes Actions Props Ltd accepts no liability for loss or damage to any clothing, footwear or personal possessions.

Further Information



Accommodation is in our 200 year old farm house which has three spare rooms on the upper floor, including a dedicated bathroom and toilet facilities for those three rooms. Both the Farm House and the studio are in their own four acres of land which includes ample parking.


*Please note as there are 3 rooms and 4 potential attendees you may be required to share a room.


If you wish to attend the course and stay locally in a little more luxury, one of local places to stay which we would recommend is:


Broom Hall Hotel: this is the closest hotel and most luxurious and within a short walking distance of the workshop: -





Mere Farm

5 Bell lane

Saham Toney


IP25 7HD


The nearest train station is Brandon, however it's easier to get to Norwich and take a bus to Watton. 

As public transport is poor we can collect and return attendees from Norwich Train station.


There would be one collection time for all attendees who require transport: please advise us at booking if you require collecting or dropping off at Norwich train station.

Dates 2019
Three Day workshop

Friday night-Monday afternoon.

December : 13th -16th* Now Full


Dates 2020


Week workshop

Sunday night-Monday afternoon.

January  : 19th -27th*  Now Full


Three Day workshop

Friday night-Monday afternoon.

February: 29th -March 2nd*  Now Full


*Please note that these dates are subject to change. We will make every effort to ensure that there is minimal inconvenience if changes do occur.



Prop making courses UK
Application Form


In order to make an application we ask that you fill out the form below:

You must be 18 or over to attend our workshops. We ask you let us know what you want to get from the course, that's so we can try to balance the type and level of the attendees. 


On receipt of your application form we will review it then  send additional information and payment details if applicable. Once payment of the deposit has been confirmed we will send you booking confirmation. 



Your details were sent successfully!


*We ask for a phone number for emergency use only, all correspondance will be via email.


*Artyfakes Action Props Ltd reserves the right to decline to accept any application for enrolment on any training event.

If you would like any further info or to ask a few questions feel free to contact us


Artyfakes refund, cancellation and substitution policy


Attendee’s places on the Artyfakes Action Props Ltd Residential Foundation Course are strictly limited: upon receipt of your order and payment your place will be confirmed.  Artyfakes Action Props Ltd accepts course payments via PayPal or BACS: in making such bookings attendee’s accept this refund, cancellation and substitution policy.  Artyfakes Action Props Ltd requires 50% of the Residential Foundation Course fee to be paid immediately on booking, with the balance being paid no later than one week before the start of the course.  Cancellation charges are applied in all cases, including overnight stay costs. Artyfakes Action Props Ltd regret that we have to do this, however all bookings involve administrative costs and it is difficult to fill spaces made vacant by late cancellations.


Cancellation charges depend on when the cancellation notice is received. A full refund will be given only if more than 4 weeks’ notice is given of a cancellation, see below for refund rates:

  • Over 6 weeks’ cancellation notice: Full refund

  • 2 - 6 weeks cancellation notice: 50% refund

  • Less than 14 days cancellation notice: No refund unless in exceptional circumstances, for which evidence may be requested


Alternatively, a substitute attendee can be named at any time before the course. There will be no extra surcharge for making a substitution.  No refund will be payable for non-attendance or if no prior notice of cancellation is given.  Any refunds will be issued after the course.


It may be necessary for reasons beyond the control of Artyfakes Action Props Ltd to change the content, timing or date of the course. Artyfakes Action Props Ltd reserves the right to cancel a course up to and including the date of the course if insufficient bookings have been received.  Artyfakes Action Props Ltd will strive to give as much notice as possible in such an event. In all cases, attendees who had registered to attend a cancelled course will be given the option of a full refund or of rescheduling to a future course date but Artyfakes Action Props Ltd disclaim any further liability.


Terms of Attendance:

Responsibilities of Attendees: all the following statements of behavior will be followed: -


  • Attendees will be respectful of all other Attendees, including all Artyfakes Actions Props Ltd staff

  • Attendees will abide by all applicable UK laws, especially those regarding to age limitations on the use of tobacco & alcohol

  • Attendees will understand that Artyfakes Action Props Ltd holds no responsibility for the security, loss or damage of personal belongings during or after the course

  • Attendees will fully read and understand any & all safety warnings issued by Artyfakes Actions Props Ltd

  • Attendees will abide by any decisions made by Artyfakes Actions Props Ltd, or their appointed representatives, in regards to matters concerning an attendee's wellbeing.


Personal Belongings:

Artyfakes Actions Props Ltd do not advise attendees to bring items of great value to the weekend and holds no responsibility for belongings lost or stolen during the weekend. If storage of any personal items is requested, facilities where available may be provided, however, no assurance of its security can be provided and no responsibility for its safety assumed.


Photographs and Recordings:


All attendees consent to any filming, stills photography or audio recording whilst at the weekend course. 

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